
Breast Procedures Overview

Breast Procedures in New York

Dr. Kressel offers a variety of breast procedures based on your needs and desires. Breast procedures include breast augmentation, breast lift, breast reduction, breast reconstruction, and male breast reduction for the condition known as gynecomastia, which produces the appearance of breasts (“man boobs”) in males of all ages. Typically caused by a hormone imbalance, gynecomastia is fairly common among boys going through puberty and often resolves by itself in about six months, though it can also take as long as two years.

If the condition does not resolve itself, many males opt for male breast reduction to achieve the more masculine-looking chest they really want. A related condition is called pseudo-gynecomastia and is caused by excess body fat and the loss of muscle mass in older males. This condition can be best corrected through a combination of weight loss and muscle strength training for added muscle mass.

Females are still far more likely than males to seek surgical solutions for overly small or large breasts, sagging breasts, uneven breasts, and breasts that have been damaged or lost to cancer surgery. That’s why Dr. Kressel performs breast augmentation, breast reduction, breast lift, and breast reconstruction. Breast procedures such as these can not only approve your appearance and the way your clothes fit, they can dramatically improve your self-confidence.

​​​​​​​Tell Dr. Kressel about your goals and he will gladly explain each of your options in as much detail as you need to make the right decision for yourself. Use the handy “Surgical Services” navigation buttons to learn more about breast augmentation, breast lift, breast reduction, breast reconstruction, and male breast reduction.

breast lift

Breast Lift

Mastopexy (breast lift surgery) with breast augmentation is a combination procedure that lifts sagging breasts while increasing their size and enhancing their shape.

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breast augmentation

Breast Augmentation

Breast augmentation (breast enlargement) is performed to increase breast size and/or correct breast asymmetry.

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breast reconstruction

Breast Reconstruction

Breast reconstruction is for women who have lost one or both breasts due to mastectomy or who lack breasts due to congenital or developmental abnormalities.

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breast reduction

Breast Reduction

Women who are unhappy with their large breasts and want to treat symptoms such as back pain and poor posture may benefit from reduction mammoplasty (breast reduction), during which we remove fat, glandular tissue, and excess skin from the breasts.

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male breast reduction

Male Breast Reduction

Gynecomastia (overdevelopment of male breasts) is a common condition characterized by an excess of localized fat and/or glandular tissue in the male breast.

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When you’re ready to love the way you look, look to Aron Kressel, MD. Call 212.772.6968 or use our convenient Request a Consultation form.

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